Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hmmm. . . . You coming out anytime soon little man?

Well. . . still nothing on my end. My cousin had a boy though! 8lbs 5ozs 21 inches long and one of the cutest babies I've seen in a long time!! His name is Emmett Michael and he arrived on August 11 very early in the morning. Very excited for her - and looking forward to speaking with her but want to give her some time to settle into her new role as mommy first.

Saw my doctor yesterday and she is pleased with everything. For anyone who lives in the same area as I do and is looking for a good OB/GYN at Kaiser - please please please go to my doctor! She really is the BEST!!! She said that my blood work came back perfect - and that pregnant blood panels always come back with at least one level in the red - I didn't have any levels in the red. Go me!

She also said that he is measuring good and he is NOT a huge baby. She estimates him somewhere between 6 and a half and 8 and a half pounds. Doesn't sound too bad to me, we'll see how close she is when he finally decides he's had enough in there.

I'm waiting to find out when my appointment is next week, and keeping my fingers crossed that it is with my doctor instead of anyone else, but only time will tell. She said that if I'm "still pregnant next week" she will do an internal exam to see if we're getting anywhere. Weird to hear those words come out of a doctor's mouth. If I'm still pregnant?? I must be getting to the end! Yahoo!

As for me, I'm definitely nesting. Yesterday I organized the diapers! Looking back this just makes me giggle, but it seemed very important at the time. All of the newborn size are in the drawer with the wipes (the diapers with the umbilical cord cut out are in the front of the drawer - the ones without the cut out are in the back of the drawer) and all the stage 1 diapers are under his dresser ready and waiting to go. I even had to show Paul what I had done, he just laughed. When I told my mom what I had done she said "just call me when you're on your way to the hospital ok?" :P Not yet mom! Still nothing except lots and lots of pressure.

Last night I swear my little man was in there getting mad at me. His movements just felt frustrated to me - almost as if he was thinking "I do NOT have enough room in here to stretch anymore. . . . GRRRR!". It was cute. I just can't wait to meet this little guy! Hopefully he'll decide to come soon, we're all ready and waiting for him now.

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