Well August 3 has come and gone and still no baby news from Michigan - as you may remember my cousin is expecting her first little one as well and we're all anxiously awaiting that little one's arrival.
As for me, I'm doing pretty well. Little man has the hiccups as I'm writing this, but it's a nice reminder after a pretty quiet day that things are all going well. I'm not sleeping very well at night, but I seem to be able to crash from about 7:30am till 10am, so at least a little bit of sleep is happening. If there is anything I feel I can say for sure it's that my little guy is going to be VERY long. I have SO much pelvic pressure, but at the same time I can feel him burying his feet up under my ribs (and I have a pretty decent sized torso folks)!
I had a doctor's appointment on Monday. My doctor is pleased with him and me and seriously has no concerns (have I mentioned lately that I love my doctor and how laid back she is?). She did say that at 39 weeks (about a week from now) she will do an ultrasound just to check his size again, but she doesn't seem concerned.
I hate to say that I am "done" with being pregnant - because truly I have enjoyed every single second - even the not so pleasant/scary seconds. I think I'm just getting very excited to finally meet this little person who's been bouncing around inside of me for 9 months. And I would be lying if I said I wasn't also looking forward to possibly getting to sleep on my stomach again, and having a normal sized bladder.
I've also gotten very emotional in the last day or so. Now any of you that know me well will laugh at that statement and say "when isn't she emotional?" and it's true - I'm a very "sappy" person. But in the last day or so I have found myself in tears over one thing or another which hasn't been the norm during this pregnancy. Sure there were tears from time to time but today it seems like every sweet little thing I read about or hear about has the tears running down my cheeks. Does this mean anything? Who knows?
And now, just proof positive once again, that I have the world's greatest husband - he called to let me know he was going to get home late (he didn't want me to worry) and that he would be a little bit later because he was stopping to get me a surprise! We'll see what it is when he gets home.
I will keep everyone updated as things hopefully start progressing soon. Hope life is treating everyone else as well as it's treating my little family. These are truly good days - ones I won't ever forget.